…I am so glad you asked!
As a body of believers, we at Beautiful Savior gather around God’s gifts in Christ, freely offered to all. We strive to be faithful to the entire Scriptures in all that we say and do. We worship our Lord in Spirit and in Truth. What you see, or rather, what you hear, is what you get: Jesus, from start to finish. Everything in our services, from music to liturgy, readings and preaching, is meant to put the spotlight on Jesus. He must increase, we must decrease.
And if you’re the curious type, there’s plenty of opportunity for growth at Beautiful Savior. There’s Bible study every Sunday and Pastor is always available to sit down and discuss your questions. His job is to serve you!
Like to be involved? There’s always room for people who want to serve. Opportunities abound. Have a special talent that you like to put into the service of the Lord? There’s always room for one more! Make friends, not just for life, but for eternity. Deepen relationships by coming alongside other Christians and live side by side in the freedom of forgiveness only Christ can give.
Why Beautiful Savior? Because we’re faithful to the Scriptures, we preach Christ crucified, and sinners of all walks of life are very welcome. The only thing missing is you. Hope to see you soon!
More resources on this website:
Why Jesus?
Why Church?
A Guide for the Church Shopper